Exciting JOB Opportunity for BE MECHECEEEE Fresh Graduates

Exciting JOB Opportunity for BE MECH ECE EEE Fresh GraduatesJob Description We are seeking a detail-oriented and enthusiastic individual to join our Quality Assurance Quality Control team. As a QA QC Associate you will play a critical role in ensuring that our products meet the highest standards of quality and safety.Key Responsibilities Perform inspections and quality checks on raw materials components and finished products according to established protocols. Document and report any deviations from quality standards and work with relevant teams to implement corrective actions. Assist in the development and implementation of quality assurance procedures and protocols. Conduct tests and analysis to identify potential areas for improvement in product quality and manufacturing processes. Collaborate with cross-functional teams to address quality-related issues and drive continuous improvement initiatives. Maintain accurate records of quality assurance activities and findings.Salary 15k to 30kExp 0 to 4 yrsEdu ITI Dip BERegards Nedhra -HR 89251 and 14937



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