Mechanic Jr. level (2nd shift)

Mechanic Jr. level (2nd shift) - SW Cleveland Ohio - JOB 24-00610Salary Range 22.00 - 24.00 HR Permanent Position with Benefits. Cleveland Ohio area manufacturer is seeking to hire a Jr. level Mechanic for 2nd shift.REQUIREMENTSHigh School Graduate (Trade School or post-secondary education is a plus) 2nd shift 3 30pm - 12am Brazing soldering skills 1 years experience in an industrial manufacturing environment is preferred Ability to read and understand shop blueprints Familiar with pneumatic and mechanical driven tools electrical test equipment and measuring instruments. Operate forklifts and cranes Steel toe shoes and safety glasses are required at all times Candidates are required to pass a Criminal Background Check and a 10 Panel Drug Screen.Only U.S. Citizens or persons with a Green Card work permit may apply. Due to the large amount of resumes we expect to receive only the most qualified candidates will be contacted. We will retain all other resumes for any future job considerations.Integrity Technical Services Inc. 14 Whitehall Drive Suite 102 Akron Ohio 44278 Toll Free 1-888-262-3226 Akron 330-633-6500 Cleveland 440-257-3232 Website (To view all of our open positions please visit our website) Integrity Technical Services Inc. does not charge a fee for finding anyone a job.Integrity Technical Services is an Equal Opportunity Employer.



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