BPO voice processing

Hiring going on BPO VOICE PROCESS Telugu voice processing domain Can own responsibility and see.Huge Hiring for Customer Support voice process. Job Description Work Mode Work from Office. Working days 6 with 1 day rotational off. Preferred Candidates Immediate Joiners and candidates with a Notice Period not more than 10 days Excellent communication skills are Mandatory. Qualification Required Graduates & undergraduate. Cab details Candidates would be eligible for a drop in case the shift ends between 10-12PM (15KM radius from the office premises). Only male employees would have the late-night log out while all the females will logout by 8-10PM or earlier Location chennai saslary 14-18k exp 1-2 yrs with warm regards infohrmadhu23(at)gmail.com HR-MADHU 9500574819



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