Accounts Executive

Accounts Executive in Manufacturing Industry Junior Accounts Executive 20 to 24 batch Job Description Qualification B.Com BBA Experience 0 to 3 years Timings 8 hours of working OT Salary 11K to 14K for Freshers location Guindy Sriperumbudur Tambaram. Benefits Accommodation ESI Insurance. Key Responsibilities Ability to handle day to day accounting activities. Good experience into Accounts Payables and accounts Receivables. Should have good experience in Bank Reconciliation. Working with spreadsheets sales and purchase ledge and journals. Maintaining bills receivable and bills payable. Strong work experience with Tally Software. Handling Petty cash. Experience into manufacturing or Automobile industry will be preferred. With Regards Infohrmadhu23(at) HR- 95005and74819 Madhu-HR



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