It is Time To Show Off Your Skills Apply Right Away

It is Time To Show Off Your Skills Apply Right AwayJob DescriptionResponsibilitiesOversee all activities related to sales managing a high volume of customer inquiries while providing each caller with exceptional service. Keep track of sales orders to ensure they are scheduled and delivered on time and interact with clients in a courteous and professional manner. Handle order placements and ensure timely delivery to customers while also supporting the field sales team. Perform administrative tasks such as information processing data entry paperwork completion and document filing. Address any customer concerns related to sales and meet the administrative needs of the Sales Department.Role Back end OfficerExperience 1 to 4 yrsQualification Any Basic Degree Salary From 18K per MonthLocation ChennaiJob Type Full time Permanent JobWarm Regards HR - Preetha63855 80670infohrpreetha29(at)



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