2875 sqft office in a centennial building in Longueuil

Turnkey office space for rent in Longueuil -- 4 Saint-Charles Street East.Total space available 2 875 sqft BOMA Land 22 259 sqft Parking spaces 20 Fully-furnished Centennial buildingPrice on demandFor more details please leave your contact information or contact 514-613-0625 Equipe commerciale Agence Pro Immobilier admin(at)mathieutessier.comBureau louer cl en main Longueuil au 4 rue Saint-Charles Est.Superficie disponible 2 875 pc BOMA Terrain 22259 pc Grand stationnement 20 places Compl tement am nag B timent centenairePrix sur demandePour plus d information veuillez laisser vos coordonn es ou joindre 514-613-0625 quipe commerciale Agence Pro Immobilier admin(at)mathieutessier.com



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