Public Accounting Openings - Hybrid Schedule

We are seeking to fill variety of full-time positions for our growing public accounting firm located near Salem MA. Requirements vary based on specific position and range from Bookkeepers with QuickBooks proficiency to CPA s with several years of individual corporate trust non-profit and partnership tax preparation experience interpreting tax laws and overseeing and mentoring other tax professionals. Experience with Profx tax software and or financial audit experience is a plus. Bachelor s degree in a related field is required. Enrolled Agents CPA s or CPA candidates with at least one year of public accounting tax firm experience is a strong plus. Competitive salary commensurate with experience and benefits package for full time employees. Local candidates within a comfortable drive distance for occasional office time. A hybrid work schedule is available. Must be authorized to work in the United States without sponsorship of any kind now and in the future. Please email your resume to nancy(at)



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