Very large 5plex with business center in GF in Montreal

Semi-commercial Quintuplex for sale Montreal (Rosemont La Petite-Patrie) --- 6656-6662 St-Denis Street. Very large 5-plex (4 very large residential units and 1 commercial unit). Very well located and managed. Located in the center of the city and in the middle of the island. Two minutes walk from the Beaubien Metro Station With its two 5 1 2 and two 6 1 2 and its ground floor serving as a business center this is a turn key investment with much upside L INDIVISE is a business center for professionals operated by the owner of the building. This center has 7 private offices for rent. Tenant s share common areas (conference room bathroom powder room kitchen and ). The building has a grandfather clause enabling it to bost a large illuminated outside sign. The building is completely rented and offers very strong optimization potential in terms of the residential units.For more details please forward your contact information or call Geniev Mondoux CPA MBA Chartered Real Estate Broker Co-Owner of Immobilier Himalaya Real Estate Corp. Cell 514.884.1052 www.himalayacorp.comQuintuplex semi-commercial vendre Montr al (Rosemont La Petite-Patrie) --- 6656-6662 Rue St-Denis. Tr s grand 5-plex (4 tr s grandes unit s r sidentielles et 1 unit commerciale). Tr s bien situ et g r localis au centre de la ville et au milieu de l le deux minutes de marche du M tro Beaubien Avec ses deux 5 1 2 et deux 6 et son RDC servant de centre d affaires cet investissement tout pour continuer porter fruit L INDIVISE est un centre d affaires complet pour professionnels op r s par le propri taire. Il comporte 7 bureaux priv s en location qui partagent les espaces communs (salle de conf rence sdb salle d eau cuisine salle d attente et ). Droit acquis UNIQUE avec grande enseigne lumineuse. Immeuble lou au complet offrant un tr s fort potentiel d optimisation au niveau r sidentiel.Pour plus d information veuillez laisser vos coordonn es ou joindre Geniev Mondoux CPA MBA Courtier Immobilier Agr Co-propri taire Immobilier Himalaya Real Estate Corp. Cell 514.884.1052



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