Water cool jel blankets manufacturers, suppliers, exporters

Balaji Industries, headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, is a foremost manufacturer, supplier, and exporter of high-quality Water Cool Jel Blankets. These blankets provide instant first aid for various burn types by relieving pain, quickly full-back injuries and are packaged in durable foil bags, making them suitable for first aid packs. Burn-Free Water Cool Jel Blankets are intended for industrial and emergency applications and provide protection from smoke, fire, and heat. The comforters relieve physiological and psychological trauma by soothing victims during transportation to medical facilities. They effectively cool burns and remove heat to prevent additional nerve and tissue injury. These blankets are coated with a water-soluble gel that is non-adherent to the skin and readily removable. They are made from pure virgin wool and have unique interlinking cell construction. Balaji Industries offers these high-quality items at reasonable prices so people who have been burned can get safe first aid.



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