Oyster & pearl hospital | orthopedic hospital in pune

ONP Hospital is one of the Best Orthopedic hospital in Pune . It is well renowned for its expertise in orthopedic surgery and musculoskeletal care. With a focus on innovation, research, and personalized patient care, ONP offers comprehensive services for a wide range of orthopedic conditions, including joint replacement, sports medicine, spine surgery, and pediatric orthopedics due to which it consistently ranks among the best orthopedic hospital in Pune. Dr. Vivek Sodhai has more than 15 years of experience as a Pediatric Orthopedic doctor. Their team of highly specialized orthopedic surgeons, physicians, and therapists collaborate to deliver exceptional outcomes and improve patients quality of life. ONP Hospitals Pune Contact us:02067196600 8055636600 Read more: https://onphospitals.com/orthopedics



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