Hotels in gurgaon

Discover the ultimate luxury experience at Lime Tree Hotels in Gurgaon. Our elegant rooms, gourmet dining, and exceptional services make it the perfect choice for both business and leisure travelers. Enjoy a free breakfast and save up to 20% on your stay until January 5, 2025. Book by August 1, 2024, to take advantage of this offer. Experience a luxurious getaway in the heart of Gurgaon with the best price guarantee available only on the Lime Tree Hotels website. Plan ahead and save! Enjoy up to 20% off on your next escape. Lime Tree Hotels offers digital keys, flexible cancellation policies, secure payments, instant confirmation, and real reviews and photos from guests. Our unique locations and competitive prices ensure a memorable stay. Check-in is a breeze, and smooth communication with hosts ensures a worry-free arrival. Book your stay with Lime Tree Hotels today and explore somewhere new in style.



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