Personal Values and Integrity

Personal Values and Integrity Someone who is honest and outspoken will accomplish his goal far easier than someone who is dishonest and withdrawn. Living up to your own ideals is a sure road to success. But how does one live up to them Learn the underlying reasons that people lose personal integrity and withdraw from others. Discover the tools that can turn your life around and make happier more productive and prosperous. On the Personal Values & Integrity Course you will learn How to determine your own personal values and how those values influence your life. The exact definition of good and evil right and wrong and how you can use this knowledge to lead a happier and more successful life. How to restore your personal integrity improve conditions in your life and help others improve theirs. As L. Ron Hubbard put it If Man only knew the simple technology of Ethics he could achieve for himself the self-respect personal satisfaction and success that he only believes himself capable of dreaming of not attaining. This course is your opportunity to make those dreams a factual reality. With the know-how to handle the causes behind your misfortunes you can change your life for the better and make those a thing of the past. Please call (808) 955-7771 and ask for Edwina or Troy for more information. Address is 1170 Nuuanu Ave.Honolulu Hawaii 96817



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