Fintube Helper - 117751

Fintube HelperPay 18 hr.Hours Night shift Monday- FridayJob Type Temp to HireLocation Catoosa OklahomaJob Description Must be able to load tubes into input racks using an overhead crane or by hand. Ability to operate cutoff saw to cut tubes to specified length. Should be able to move fintubes by hand into band molds pushes buttons to closes molds. Ability to dip ladle into pots of melted zinc metal and walks to each mold and pours from ladle into band molds to produce bands on the fintubes. After cooling pushes buttons to open molds and knocks off pouring basin with hammer. Ability to lift fintubes from output rack into shipping racks or crates. Break zinc ingots into smaller pieces and places the pieces into the zinc pots keeping the zinc pots full of molten metal. Skim slag off molten metal using strainer device.Job Order 117751Stand-By Personnel Skilled DivisionApplication Time 7 00 A.M. to 3 00P.M. Monday-FridayTulsa Office Locations 4305 S Mingo Road Suite F Tulsa Oklahoma 741461531 East 2nd Street Tulsa Oklahoma 7412014002 E 21st Street Suite 38LL-1 Tulsa Oklahoma 741346321 E Admiral Place Tulsa Oklahoma 74115Claremore Office Location 507 E Will Rogers Blvd. Claremore Oklahoma 74017Walk-ins always welcome 50 advance available after your first day of workAlternatively You may submit your resume to Resume(at)standbypersonnel.comReferral Bonus 125 for referring a Skilled Division employee and 200 for referring a Welding Division CNC Machinist after 80 hours of work.



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