Administrative Specialist I - NEW HIGHER PAY

How to ApplyYou MUST apply at s 46fa8ej3 by June 3. NCDOT is a Great Place to Work.Don t take our word for it. Read what our people are saying at s NCDOTGreatPlaceToWork. We are the highest rated state agency for employee satisfaction on Glassdoor with nearly 300 reviews. NEW HIGHER SALARY 36 682 - 64 194 The ChallengeWe are looking for an Administrative Specialist to join our Halifax County District team. In this role you will Perform office assistant work supporting our team s administrative operations including record keeping and reporting. Greet customers and have strong public contact. Answer phones direct calls to appropriate staff and take relay messages. Process payroll inventory purchase orders and accounts payable using our online SAP system. Perform personnel and other office duties including typing correspondence filing and handling incoming outgoing mail. What You BringGood verbal and written communication skills to respond to all inquiries and instructions to ensure positive public and employee relations. Maturity to be courteous and apply tact. Computer and office equipment knowledge including Microsoft Windows Office (Excel Word Access & PowerPoint) and online databases such as SAP. Ability to work independently and be resourceful. Management skills to schedule and coordinate several work tasks at the same time. Ability to learn and independently apply laws NCDOT rules and regulations when performing work. Ability to work in accordance with NCDOT workplace and safety policy. Education & ExperienceHigh school GED diploma and 2 years of related administrative experience or An equivalent combination of education and experience. Questions Call me Melissa Newcomb at 252-640-6405. Connect me to NCDOT Careers s in ncdot-careers Show me more NCDOT jobs s ncdotjobs Curious s JoinNCDOT



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