Material Handler - 117185

Material HandlerPay 13hr.Hours Full time OTJob Type Temp-HireLocation Del City OklahomaJob Description Material handler will manage the acquisition sorting and selling of discarded materials. Will ensure material quality and maintain environmental compliance. Tasks include inventory management and customer relations.Requirements Experience in scrap dealing or a related field. Physical strength and ability to operate machinery used. Basic accounting and record-keeping skills. Willingness to work in outdoor environments and varying weather conditions.Job Order 117185Stand-By Personnel Skilled DivisionApplication Time 8 00 A.M. to 3 00 P.M. Monday-FridayOffice Location 3625 South Council Road Oklahoma City Oklahoma 73179Walk-ins always welcome 50 advance available after your first day of workAlternatively You may submit your resume to Resume(at)standbypersonnel.comReferral Bonus 125 for referring a Skilled Division employee and 200 for referring a Welding Division CNC Machinist after 80 hours of work.



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