Jasper AKC Miniature Schnauzer

This little boy Jasper is the definition of the perfect puppy. This little guy has the lets do this attitude and willing to please everyone. He has been extremely socialized loves to carry on a conversation with you then cuddle up after play time. He has been raised with our son so he is very playful but also knows how to take it easy. He loves to give kisses loves playing ball and getting belly rubs. His all time favorite game is tug of war. He has that little pounce like a rabbit being the most adorable thing. Early Neurological Stimulation is performed in addition to daily handling and imprinting of our puppies from the moment they are born. They are desensitized to not only being handled but outside stimuli as well such as clippers bathing nail trimming car rides side by side rides other animals kids and so much more in order to prepare him early in life to be a well adjusted baby that will be cherished whether he is a service dog emotional support or a quality member of your family. He will be a solid white with those stunning eyebrows to show off his beautiful eyes. This is one handsome boy We breed for health temperament body structure and beautiful looking dogs. We have raised schnauzers for over 20 years. We start basic Training as well as potty training has been well established. We include microchip AKC registration health guarantee vet checked and full puppy package. As well as wormed every 2 weeks and age appropriate shots. Please feel free to call me with any questions and to discuss pricing on the phone. I would love to tell you about the littles we have avail. We like to talk to you regarding the baby and to get to know you a little better and vice versa and discuss price and info on babies avail. My number is 479-841-462three



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