Ross Appliance and Mattress

At Ross Appliance and Mattress Store we re committed to providing the best shopping experience for our customers in Honolulu HI. Explore our wide range of appliances including dryers ovens fridges and washers and find the perfect solutions for your home. Our Sleep Green mattress line uses new padding and quilting with expert finishing touches to stitch together a new product that will change the way you wake up. We sell singles doubles queen and king sizes including platforms. Visit us now and experience the difference If you are new to our website please feel free to discover and learn about appliance stores in Honolulu. Address 401 Mokauea St Honolulu HI 96819Phone 808-841-7336Website s GPL s maps cid 9035582885656402415Timing Monday To Saturday 8 am 6 pm Sunday 9 am 5 pm



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