Project Development and Environmental Analysis Engineer III

How to ApplyYou MUST apply at s yc45bjp8 by April 19. NCDOT is a Great Place to Work.Don t take our word for it. Read what our people are saying at s NCDOTGreatPlaceToWork. We are the highest rated state agency for employee satisfaction on Glassdoor with 270 reviews. NEW HIGHER SALARY 65 876 - 115 283 The ChallengeWe are looking for a senior engineer to join our Project Development team and lead our Project Development and Environmental Analysis (PDEA) functions. In this role you will Perform and oversee the development of feasibility studies special studies planning engineering environmental studies mitigation and permitting. Make recommendations for transportation projects based on these studies. Draft and provide input on Environmental Impact Statements (DEIS) Final Environmental Impact Statements (FEIS) and Records of Decision (ROD). Oversee studies for our Division projects including Environmental Assessments (EA) Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) Categorical Exclusions (CE) Programmatic Categorical Exclusions (PCE) State Environmental Assessment FONSI (SEA) State Minimum Criteria Checklist (SMC) Draft and Final Section 4(f) Evaluations Reevaluations and Consultations. All these studies must be completed in a manner that ensures legal sufficiency and establish basic planning philosophy design concepts and location criteria to be used in determining appropriate transportation engineering improvements and evaluate all reasonable feasible and prudent alternatives. These studies also identify and resolve areas of social economic and environmental concern. Develop methods to avoid minimize and mitigate environmental impacts due to implementation of Division projects. Coordinate with and analyze input from professionals in various disciplines Federal State and local officials media and the public. Manage and review the work of private engineering firms (PEF) providing PDEA services on Division Projects including scoping task determination man-day estimating contracting managing coordination supervision advising decision-making progress schedule review coordination and oversight and invoice reviews. Provide project update reports. Train new staff. Serve as a survey crew member. Accurately maintain daily records of work accomplished. Perform entry-level materials sampling testing and inspections. Assist with operating and maintaining equipment stakeouts and plot parameters. Attend public meetings hearings and present project presentations to municipal bodies. Safely operate State vehicle. What You BringKnowledge and understanding of general concepts and practices used in highway construction and design. Knowledge of the principles and practices of National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) environmental regulations civil engineering construction and maintenance methods relating to highway and traffic engineering and transportation planning. Knowledge of transportation and environmental policies and procedures. Experience overseeing and managing projects and project schedules. Negotiations skills to resolve disputes regarding contract fulfillment or modifications. Knowledge of NCDOT operations and municipal governments. General knowledge of federal aid highway planning and funding requirements related to Environmental requirements. Experience supervising junior engineering and technician staff. You promote a safe working environment. Ability to conduct routine inspections for compliance with contract agreements standards codes and specifications. Ability to perform land and property searches and plot information. Fortitude to withstand extreme weather and terrain conditions while performing duties and to work in close proximity of high volumes of traffic and heavy construction equipment. Communications skills to communicate effectively with coworkers management and the public. Solid math skills (Algebra Geometry and Trigonometry). Ability to read and interpret construction plans contract provisions specifications and inspection procedures. Safety toe shoes. NoteWe may require you to be registered as a professional engineer by the NC Board of Examiners for Engineers and Surveyors. Education and ExperienceBachelor s degree in engineering and 4 years of relevant experience or An equivalent combination of education and experience. Questions Call me Valarie Rae at (910) 364-0603. Connect to NCDOT Careers s in ncdot-careers Explore more NCDOT jobs s NCDOTJobs Curious s JoinNCDOT



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