Engineering Summer Internship - Exclusively for HBCUMSI Students

Are you a student attending an NC HBCU MSI college looking for a PAID summer internship where you can make a difference in Smart Transportation How to ApplyYou MUST apply at s 4jat2679 by Feb 29. The ChallengeNCDOT s HBCU MSI Summer Internship Program delivers an immersive 8-week experience open to students attending an NC historically black college university (HBCU) minority-serving college university (MSI). The program runs May to August and is a full time (40 hour) work schedule Monday through Friday. You will have the opportunity to work side-by-side with our award-winning Division 13 Engineering team. In this internship your will get to put your learning into practice by Developing a well rounded experience through our rotational model engaging you to learn about each area and participate in all areas of engineering work. Participating in field labor or light engineering problem solving. Gaining policy and procedure training. What You BringMajor in engineering. HR and Safety Industrial Hygiene Business Management interest is a big plus EligibilityYou must be currently enrolled in a bachelors masters or professional-level program at an NC Historically Black College University or Minority Serving Institution. GPA of 2.8 on 4.0 scale. You must attach an unofficial transcript to your application. You can work in the U.S. without requiring a visa sponsorship. TipsDo your research prior to the interview and discover intel about NCDOT and our Division 13 engineering unit. Watch videos from our 2023 Transportation Summit at s NCDOTSummit2023 Practice your interview skills by discussing your experience and job history with a family member friend or mentor. Questions Call me JoAna McCoy at 919-707-2776. Learn more and apply to other NCDOT HBCU MSI openings at s NCDOT-HBCU-Jobs Learn more about NCDOT s HBCU SMI Internships at s NCDOTHBCU Connect to NCDOT Careers s in ncdot-careers Explore more NCDOT jobs s ncdotjobs Curious s JoinNCDOT



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