Repair Tech - 117872

Repair TechPay 20-25 hr.Hours Monday-Friday 5AM-4PMJob type Temp to HireLocation SE Oklahoma City OkJob Description Repair Technicians must understand motor electrical connections and power supply panels with the ability to operate safely to complete motor testing. The ability to use a megger high potential tester volt & amp meters. Must be able to read and record critical measurements with micrometers. Skilled in reading dial indicators checking shaft and rotor runouts. Knowledge dismantling inspecting testing troubleshooting and assembling a variety of rotating equipment including AC and DC motors.Requirements Must be able to pass a pre-employment drug screen and physical. Complete a satisfactory nationwide criminal background check. High school diploma or general education degree (GED) two years mechanical training at a Technology center or 4 years related experience and or training or equivalent combination of training and experience.Job Order 117872Stand-By Personnel Skilled DivisionCall or Text for more info (405) 901-1709Or send your resume to resume(at)



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