PickPacker - 116789

Pick PackerPay 13hr.Hours Monday-Friday 8AM- Until finished Job Type Temp - HireLocation Oklahoma City OklahomaJob Description Pulls and packs products based on daily orders. Meets specifics of customer orders in a timely manner. Keeps products separated organized and in good rotation. Monitors product quality frequently reporting problems to mitigate safety issues. Operates various pieces of equipment (i.e. Bendi Palletizer Dolly Loader Pallet Wrapper Forklift and Electrical Pallet Jacks). Reports on any mechanical problems. Utilizes continuous improvement mindset and assists in identifying opportunities to improve processes. Follows good manufacturing practices and required work safe practices. Maintains a clean sanitary and safe work area. Performs other duties as assigned.Job Order 116789Stand-By Personnel Skilled DivisionCall or Text for more info (405) 901-1709Or send your resume to resume(at)standbypersonnel.com



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