Chocolate Labradoodle puppies

Labradoodles puppies available These beautiful little pups are looking for their new forever homes There are 3 males and 7 females. Mother is a beautiful friendly silver lab. She is an Akc registered purebred. Father is a friendly and happy-go-lucky Standard Poodle. He is an Akc registered purebred. They come with the first set of shots dewormed at 2 4 6 and 8 weeks old flea treatment and health guarantee. They will be 8 weeks old August 22 2023 and ready for their new home.Labradoodles are fun-loving affectionate and intelligent dogs who enjoy human company above all else. And let s not forget their low-shedding coats make them the perfect option for people who otherwise wouldn t be able to adopt a Labrador Retriever.In addition to their hypoallergenic traits these breeds are also known for their low shedding and easy maintenance. They require regular grooming to maintain their unique coats but their minimal shedding means less cleaning for you With a hypoallergenic puppy by your side you can enjoy all the benefits of pet ownership without the added stress of allergies.We have decades of experience in whelping caring for and raising our puppies. We understand the importance of receiving a healthy happy puppy and we work hard every day to ensure that your new best friend is everything you dreamed of. Until birth until your puppy reaches his her forever home. We cover every puppy with a 10-year health guarantee that lets you know that you have chosen the right breeder.



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