Delivery Driver NOC 75201

Company profile Megabox Packaging was established in 2012 to distribute food packaging materials and related paper products. We are a service oriented company and believe that our main purpose is to meet our customers needs and to do what we promise to do. Our goal since our inception is to provide the very best products at the lowest price to go along with outstanding customer service. This goal is on-going as we strive to continually improve our service and products. We are looking for a Delivery Driver NOC 75201 Duties as Delivery Driver Safely transport goods from a distribution center or supplier to the final destination (customer retail store etc.). Ensure that the correct items are delivered to the right location. Conduct routine inspections of the delivery vehicle to ensure it is in good working condition. Perform basic maintenance tasks such as checking oil levels tire pressure and brakes. Plan and follow the most efficient routes for timely deliveries. Use navigation tools or GPS devices to optimize delivery routes. Load items onto the delivery vehicle in a secure and organized manner. Unload goods at the delivery location and ensure they are received in good condition. Interact with customers in a professional and friendly manner. Obtain signatures or confirm delivery details upon reaching the destination. Keep accurate records of deliveries including receipts delivery notes and any other relevant documentation. Report any discrepancies or issues with delivered items. Follow traffic laws and safety regulations to ensure a safe and efficient delivery process. Use safety equipment such as seat belts and secure items properly in the vehicle. Manage time effectively to meet delivery deadlines. Communicate any delays or issues that may affect the delivery schedule. Stay in contact with the dispatch or logistics team. Report any problems accidents or vehicle issues promptly. Handle unexpected situations such as traffic delays or delivery challenges in a calm and effective manner. Address customer inquiries or concerns professionally. Represent the company in a positive manner as delivery drivers often serve as the face of the company to customers. Job requirement Language EnglishWork Experience 1 year or lessWage 27.50 per hour Education High School Diploma Driving licence is required



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