Rehoming 4.5-Month-Old Female Mini Goldendoodle

Rehoming 4.5-Month-Old Female Mini Goldendoodle It s with a heavy heart that we re looking for a loving new home for our beautiful 4.5-month-old female Mini Goldendoodle puppy. Our initial plan was for her to grow alongside our 1-year-old baby boy but life took an unexpected turn. Taking care of our precious puppy baby and my work has become increasingly challenging. We ve invested a lot in this little pup and although it s difficult we believe finding her a new home is best for her well-being. Perfect for Any Lifestyle Our Mini Goldendoodle s adaptable personality makes her an excellent companion for hikers young families or retired couples. Her loving nature suits a wide range of lifestyles. Highly Intelligent & Good Natured A cross between a Miniature Poodle and Golden Retriever this breed is known for its intelligence loving personality and playful nature. She s great with kids and adults alike. Perfect Size Our Mini Goldendoodle will grow to an average of 10-20 lbs making her the perfect pet for those living in condos and townhomes. Hypoallergenic Thanks to her poodle genetics she has non-shedding hair (not fur) and is hypoallergenic making her a fantastic pet for those with dog allergies. Easy to Train Mini Goldendoodles are highly trainable and our pup already knows some basic commands. She loves playing fetch but might need some persuasion to give the ball back Friendly & Enthusiastic With unbounded enthusiasm for life our Mini Goldendoodle exudes friendliness and joy. If she could talk she d surely quote Winnie the Pooh A day spent with you is my favorite day. So today is my new favorite day. If you re interested in providing a loving home for our adorable Mini Goldendoodle please send us a message.



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