POLE BARN KITS OF AMERICA has one mission to provide barn packages and all types of storage facilities at the best price and the best quality. Both companies are locally owned and operated and are of the few companies that maintain an excellent reputation.with deals this good you dont want to miss out 24x24x14 3.000 24x36x14 3.500 BUT BETTER YET 40X60X14 FOR AS LOW AS 7.000 CALL BRITTANY OR HEATHER TODAY FOR YOUR FREE QUOTE We will provide you with a building that not only looks great but will last a lifetime as well. Our barns are of the highest quality our Galvalume Metal carries a 25 year Manufacturer s Warranty and our Painted Metal carries a 40 year Manufacturer s Warranty. Our goal is to provide the best service to ensure you end up with the barn of your dreams.



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