Female Miniature Dachshund Puppy For Adoption

Female Miniature Dachshund Puppy For Adoption Mini dachshund female 3 months old 1st shots vet check dewormed Looking for a loving home for this wonderful dog. She is 3.5 months old. Never imagined I would be having to find a new home for her but I have to move for urgent family reasons and sadly I am not able to take her with me as our new environment is not pet friendly. She is an amazing dog with a great temperament. She loves being settled in her familiar places and having a consistent daily routine. She was raised with young kids and is gentle around them and best suited to a household with young children where she can be getting all the focus and attention from those around her. I d like for her to go to a household where she has company throughout the day. She would be perfect for a couple who have the setup where someone is mostly at home as that s the lifestyle she s always had. She is in perfect health joints hips everything about her is in tip top shape. She has no allergies. Her diet has always been Naturals kibble and cans of Lean Cuts raw meat mixed in no animal by-products. Everyday she is shown tons of affection and knows very much that she is loved and cared for. She has never been around anyone who has been heavy handed with her or treated her badly in any way. She has a very sound mind and a very special nature.



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