Hiring Production Coordinator

Hiring Production Coordinator Employer Swiss Water Decaffeinated Coffee Inc.Position Production CoordinatorPosition Status Permanent Full-timePosition Available 1Work Location 7750 Beedie Way Delta BC V4G 0A5 Salary 55 000 65 000 Annually (depending on experience)Work Hours 37.50 hours per weekBenefit 4% of vacation pay Major Responsibilities Accountabilities Consult with Production Planning Manager to schedule production runs in a cost and time-efficient manner. Plan and oversee operational logistics of supply-chain work units and manage coffee transfer from all local and North American warehouse. Communicate regularly with warehouse production purchasing and sales teams to coordinate activities between warehouses production floor customer requirements or other supply chain work units or departments. Develop and implement plans to efficiently use materials optimize run quantities and timing to maximize process efficiency. Provide excellent customer service by tracking the progress of production and reviewing factors which affect schedules. Maintains inventory to complete production. Provide timely and accurate communication of material or equipment issues that may affect delivery or process performance. Provide accurate and timely reporting of production results and related KPI s. Liaise with third party warehouse service provider. Manage Distribution Replenishment Plans for capacity requirements. Attending weekly meetings with the Manager to go over Key Performance Indexes financial progress of the department and other related issues. Creating a weekly schedule and ensuring task deadlines are met in a timely fashion. Conduct inventory control track orders and investigate inaccuracies. Develop production schedules and maintain an inventory of raw materials and finished products. Generate production reports and specifications for the management. Update and maintain database with all pertinent information such as item code or warehouse setup and maintenance. Enter order and shipment information in ERP System and execute them. Plan and set up work orders assign and allocate coffee ensure proper consumption and transformation to decaf within the ERP System. Requirements Language English High school diploma or equivalent Minimum of 2 years logistics and or warehousing experience including working experience with inventory management systems Required relevant work experience is an asset for those who completed a post-secondary education in Business. Proficiency with MS Office software programs (Excel Word Outlook) How to Apply Please e-mail your resume with a cover letter to swisswater.job(at)gmail.com



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