Welder - 117633

WelderPay 19 hr.Hours Monday-Friday 6AM-4 30PMJob Type Temp to HireLocation Oklahoma City OklahomaJob Description Will provide welding support to a manufacturing operation. Interpret and understand manufacturing instructions and transformer manufacturing operations. Must be able to weld MIG with some TIG welding grind cut blueprint reading read tape measure layout fitting squaring Arc gouging operating cutting torches and plasma cutter AWS standards. Will fabricate components by using equipment to clean prepare cut burn and weld pieces set up and measure assemblies and select appropriate methods. Must know and understand weld symbols. Minimum of 3 years of related experience in welding and fabrication required.Job Order 117633Stand-By Personnel Skilled DivisionCall or Text for more info (405) 901-1709Or send your resume to resume(at)standbypersonnel.com



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