Store Manager - 117828

Store ManagerPay 21.63 hr.Hours Monday-Friday 8AM-5PM (Saturdays as needed)Job type Temp to HireLocation Oklahoma City OkJob Description Must be good with multitasking and numbers as well as understanding and generating reports. The goal is to expand the current sales team as we grow and focus on new areas and opportunities. Ability to motivate individuals with excellent communication skills incredible relationship-building abilities and a natural talent to lead. Managing Sales Professionals including motivating Sales Teams to become highly productive in a professional environment. Coach and mentor the Sales Professionals to manage leads and train the team on customer service and satisfaction prospecting product knowledge sales presentations closing skills product service pricing terms paperwork and interpreting sales guidelines. Provide Sales Team with proper training regarding sales techniques legal requirements and company products policies and procedures. Review and evaluate the Sales Team s performance. Ensure all contracts and paperwork are completed and returned accurately and in a timely manner. Work in the store with the Sales Team. Ensure that all Warranties & RTVs are processed accurately and thoroughly. Direct communication with the Install department from the store to ensure accurate timely and correct results.Requirements High level of comfort using computer systems within a sales environment. Previous experience with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems is a plus. High level of integrity dedication and desire to succeed. Desire to help others and earn a competitive income. Ability to work well as part of a team and independently. Creative outgoing and energetic. A good driving record and valid driver s license.Job Order 117828Stand-By Personnel Skilled DivisionCall or Text for more info (405) 901-1709Or send your resume to resume(at)



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