The 200 a Day Challenge Are You Up for It

Hi [NAME]If you are able to type in English we have a job opening that may interest you. You may be able to earn good money working remotely from your own home. We are seeking reliable people who are interested in becoming online chat specialists.Click here to complete your application if you are interested. FOR ANDROID USERS.What you will be doing As a chat assistant you will be required to talk to website visitors using an online system. It s as easy as using Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp. You simply answer customers questions using the templates provided.The questions are usually very simple making the work interesting and enjoyable. You get to chat with interesting people and help them solve their problems. Plus you get well paid for the work you do Contract length No fixed termRate 30 - 35 per hourSkills background needed Must have a device able to access social media and website chat functions (Phone Tablet Laptop). You should be able to work independently and follow the given instructions. You must be available at least 5 hours a week and have a reliable internet connection.Hours per week 5 - 35 hours a weekLocation Applicants for this position can work remotely from your country.We have many partners currently seeking Chat Assistants. If you can start right away please to complete your application now.Looking out for you SIGN UP TO LINK HERE FOR ANDROID VERSION



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