Order PullerPacker - 117047

Order Puller PackerPay 15 hrHours 1st shift 6AM-2 30PM 2nd shift 3 30PM-12 00AMJob Type Temp to HireLocation Oklahoma City OklahomaJob Description The Order Puller Order Packer will utilize order pick lists to locate materials for orders and bring them to a designated area for customer pick up delivery or shipping. This person must follow all established procedures. This position requires lifting using various pieces of warehouse equipment understanding written instructions and the ability to count and clearly communicate with others professionally.Requirements Minimum 1 year experience (3 years preferred) Ability to lift to 50 lbs.Job Order 117047Stand-By Personnel Skilled DivisionCall or Text for more info (405) 901-1709Or send your resume to resume(at)standbypersonnel.com



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