Install Coordinator - 117799

Install CoordinatorPay 25-35 hr.Hours Monday-Friday 8AM-5PM Saturday 9AM-2PM (rotation)Job Type Temp to HireLocation Oklahoma City OklahomaBenefits 401(k) 401(k) matching Dental insurance Employee discount Health insurance Paid time off Vision insurance.Job Description Complete install shop operational requirements by scheduling and assigning employees following up on work results. Maintain install shop staff by working with H.R. to recruit select orient and train employees. Maintain install shop staff job results by coaching counseling and disciplining employees planning monitoring and appraising job results and communicating with H.R. Secure merchandise by implementing security systems and measures. Safety-Protect employees and customers by providing a safe and clean shop environment. Maintain the stability and reputation of the install shop by complying with legal requirements. Maintain operations by initiating coordinating and enforcing program operational and personnel policies and procedures. Provide training to improve the knowledge base of the staff and utilize cross-training methods to maintain productivity when employees are absent. Provide leadership to others through example and sharing of knowledge skill.Requirements This position requires the ability to travel from the office environment into all areas of the shop facility to include navigating stairs and equipment. High school diploma or GED is required. Associate degree or two years of technical school and or 6 months previous experience preferred o Must obtain proper certification to operate forklifts or other heavy machinery in the warehouse.Job Order 117799Stand-By Personnel Skilled DivisionCall or Text for more info (405) 901-1709Or send your resume to resume(at)



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