CNC Assembly Tech

CNC Assembly TechPay 18-22 HR.Hours Monday- Friday 2 30PM-11 30PMJob Type Temp-hireLocation Oklahoma City OklahomaJob Description With guidance readily available generate CNC programs both with and without programming software using the correct speeds feeds and depths of cut appropriate for the material being machined. Calculate dimensions and tolerances using knowledge of mathematics machine shop theories and instruments including but not limited to micrometers and vernier calipers. Align and secure holding fixtures cutting tools attachments accessories and materials onto the machines. Select appropriate tools machines and materials to be used in the machining processes. Demonstrated knowledge of CNC Programming using multiple platforms including Fanuc and Mazatrol. Ability to operate all shop equipment.Requirements High School Diploma GED or equivalent. Three (3) years of experience in the operation setup and programming of CNC mills and lathes minimum.Job Order 116593 Stand-By Personnel Skilled DivisionCall or Text for more info (405) 901-1709 Or send your resume to resume(at)



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