Lead Accounting Specialist

We are hiring Come join the staff at OU Health Sciences Center and become a part of the Oklahoma s premier research university Job Job Title231090 Sr. Painter - 38 708.80 annually231091 Sr. Plumber - 27 per hour231089 Sr. HVAC Mechanic - 27 per hour230481 Parking & Transportation Maintenance Specialist - 14.18 per hour231199 Sr. Carpenter - 21 per hour231088 Lead Accounting Specialist - 42 000 annually OU HSC provides excellent benefitsApply online by s jobs.ou.edu using the job numbers listed above. OUHSC offers a comprehensive package to full-time staff employees Medical Dental Vision Benefits 12 PAID HOLIDAYS per year Tuition benefits 18 hours PAID LEAVE per month to full-time staff Employee Discount Program (dozens of businesses participate across the OKC Norman area)The University of Oklahoma is an Equal Opportunity Institution. To learn more please visit Non-Discrimination Policy (ou.edu)



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