Administrative Assistant - 117800

Administrative AssistantPay 15 hr.Hours Monday-Friday 8AM-5PMJob Type Temp to HireLocation Oklahoma City OklahomaBenefits 401(k) 401(k) matching Dental insurance Employee discount Health insurance Paid time off Vision insurance.Job Description Generate reports to assess current inventory assists customers answers phones and relays messages accordingly. Coordinates and communicates with staff in regard to cycle counts (inventory) Contacts vendors to arrange for returns credits. Keep up to date spreadsheets on progress status. Communicate coordinate with other departments as needed. Communicate any needs or issues to Management.Requirements Previous front desk or retail experience is considered a plus. Previous experience with processing warranties RTVs etc will be considered a plus. Good computer skills (MS Office) Knowledge of google systems will be considered a plus Proficiency in English. Additional language knowledge will be considered a plus. Well-organized and responsible with an aptitude in problem-solving.Job Order 117800Stand-By Personnel Skilled DivisionCall or Text for more info (405) 901-1709Or send your resume to resume(at)



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