Sales Representative - 117798

Sales RepresentativePay 17 hr.Hours Monday-Friday 8AM-5PM Saturday 9AM-2PM (rotation)Job Type Temp to HireLocation Oklahoma City OklahomaBenefits 401(k) 401(k) matching Dental insurance Employee discount Health insurance Paid time off Vision insurance.Job Description Will spend time with customers (online in person on the phone) to determine their needs and discuss options. Seek new and creative possibilities for decreasing current aging surplus used inventory items. Follow up with prospective customers and return email voicemail. Follow up with existing customers to confirm their satisfaction and generate leads Build good relationships and communication with the Install & Warehouse Admins. Prior experience working with customers and providing exceptional experience (1-2 years) Knowledge of automotive equipment and systems is preferred but not required. Excellent appearance verbal written communication strong negotiation and presentation skills. Ability to multi-task and thrive in a busy changing environment.Job Order 117798Stand-By Personnel Skilled DivisionCall or Text for more info (405) 901-1709Or send your resume to resume(at)



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