Painter - 117648

PainterPay 16.50 hr. 1st Shift OR 18.15 hr. 3rd ShiftHours 1st Shift Monday- Thursday 6AM-4 30PM Friday-Saturday 6AM-2 30PM. 3RD Shift Wednesday -Sunday 7PM-5 30AM Thursday-Friday 9PM-5 30AM.Job Type Temp to HireLocation Oklahoma City OklahomaJob Description Candidate must be detailed oriented dependable self-motivated individual capable of reading and understand blueprints and manufacturing instructions for the application of all paint coatings. Coatings include but are not limited to marine grade Zinc polyurethane and epoxy primer. Load raw material into paint pressure pot and apply coatings per manufacturing instructions and or customer specifications. Manage and maintain paint booth and associated tools.Job Order 117648Stand-By Personnel Skilled DivisionCall or Text for more info (405) 901-1709 Or send your resume to resume(at)



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