charitable trust for sundarban

GECT is the Best Charitable Trust for sundarban is Making a Difference in the Community Love is not patronising and charity is not about feeling sorry for people it is about love. GECT IS THE BEST CHARITABLE TRUST IN KOLKATA. Don t just give money reach out your hand instead. We care about the underprivileged people if they have any problems we try to help. Examples of our projects include Aahar For All Education For All Clean Water Save Kolkata Horses and more. My goal is to solve the problems of the underprivileged and the animals to help them and to make them like us. FOR MORE DETAILS - Address- 1655 Rajdanga Main Road Kolkata - 700107 (Near Kasba New Market) Gmail- gect.genesis(at) Phone no. - 91 9062200739 91 80170 14875 Website-



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