4-Hour CPRBLS Classes

An emergency can happen at any moment. What would you do if a loved one or a stranger collapsed with no pulse and wasn t breathing Would you be prepared The best way to prepare is to learn CPR BLS.Cardiac Arrest happens more often than you think. CPR BLS is Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Basic Life Support. There are 365 000 cardiac arrests every year in the U.S alone.Whether you re a health care professional saving lives or a marketing professional whose never stepped foot in a medical office it s a great skill to learn. It s important to learn CPR BLS because it can save lives. You never know when a family or neighbor will need it. This course will prepare you for emergencies and give you the tools to get through a crisis.The course lays out various medical emergencies and prepares you for the skills you can need to save lives to provide care for those in most need.All it takes is 4-hours to get certified.To enroll Call 877-363-2661 or Text 908-332-8385. or visit kgcareeracademy.comRegister today s www.kgcareeracademy.com challenge-page cpr-bls-aed4-



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