Spring specials

At Jay s landscaping & handyman services llc SPRING SPECIALS going on now. Be the first to get a jump in the yard and get it ready for the coming spring and summer months. Get a head start at getting those yards looking great for the coming season. Whatever it needs we can handle it best prices in town for exellent service. New sod fresh straw new plants new design or anything else you have in mind we can do it. You need a new service crew for routine service we offer weekly bi-weekly or once a month plans. Also different service plans to choose from. Please call now and schedule a free visit to go over our service plans and pricing. You won t have to look any further we are the best and will treat you as you are the best. Customer satisfaction is our top goal and quality work is what we give our customers from the very beginning and never hesitate to go above and beyond to completly satisfy you and our fellow customers who we consider our closet friends and treat you like family from the instant we meet.CALL NOW Jay s landscaping & handyman services llc 910 761 8089 Also specialize in all your plumbing needs plumbing repair s and upgrades.



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