Amber&rsquos Home Daycare - Holland MI

ARE YOU IN NEED OF CHILDCARE OPENING NOW AVAILABLE I have many years of experience & I love my job References gladly given upon request. I offer a semi structured daily schedule including art music inside & outside play time learning activities story time and so much more All provided In a lovIng nurturing comfortable family home environment. I have a Fenced in back yard for play. I provide all meals & snacks. I am licensed through the state & Cpr & first aide certified. Currently only accepting ages 1 - 4 years old for full time on first shift. I am open Monday through Friday 5 30 am to 4 00 pm & Closed holidays & Closed weekends. I do accept dhs payments through the state if you qualify. If you would like more information please call or TEXT me (at) 616-510-0309. You will need to leave a message & I will get back to you ASAP.



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