Fengqiu group co, ltd

FengQiu Group Co., Ltd. https://www.fengqiupumps.com/ [email protected] 0086-575-87375906 Grinder Pumps, Drainage Pumps, Sewage Pumps, Sand Pumps Fengqiu Group mainly manufacture pumps, it is engaged in scientific research, production and trades including import and export trade, the company is listed as a key pump manufacturer and has been recognized as a major and high-tech enterprise by the Chinese government. The company has a pump research institute, a computer testing center and a CAD facility, it can design and develop various pump products with the support of ISO9001 quality system and ISO14001 environmental system. UL, CE and GS listed products are available for extra safety assurance. The quality products are sold well in domestic China and exported to Europe, the United States, Australia, South-east Asia, South America, etc. Fengqiu wishes to create and share a glorious future with you by dedicating itself to pioneer and developing. No.188, West Huancheng Road, Zhuji, Zhejiang, China.



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