B163 nickel welded tubing stockist

Chhajed Steel & Alloys Pvt.Ltd is a manufacturer & Exporters of Nickel 201 Pipe & Tubes. We offer Nickel Alloy Tubes across the globe with the help of state of art technology. Hot Dipped Galvanizing and thickness are its unique characteristics. Epoxy and FBE Coating increases the quality of these pipes & tubes. The other types of these pipes & tubes are Fabricated /Seamless / Welded/ ERW to meet the industrial market. Our Nickel Alloy Pipes & Tubes are highly customizable. It is a popular choice of our customers, you can avail these Pipes and Tubes at ease with the most reasonable price. The alloy is dual certified. Good mechanical properties provide it with excellent resistance to many corrosive environments. It is widely used to handle caustic soda. Where product purity is a priority, Nickel 201 is especially useful. The Nickel 201 Pipes UNS N02201 is manufactured to sustain very high pressure and product warranty. Our product includes tubes and pipes, Nickel 201 Pipes, Nickel 201 Tubes, Nickel 201 Seamless Pipes & Tubes etc. These products are available at the best possible prices which is another important feature exhibited by our products range.



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