Brass rubber hose tee exporters in india

We additionally offer cultivating metal types of gear like Male Hose Rubber Nipple, Male Hose Rubber Nipple, HoseRubber Nipple to FPT, Hose Rubber Elbow Forged, Elbow Hose Rubber to MPT, Hose Rubber Spicer, Female Hose Rubber, Made according to material arrangements required by the purchaser. There are different shapes and sizes. Things accessible in SAE, BS, AS, ANSI and DIN measures according to purchasers prerequisite. Configuration is Push-on sort. Perfect with copper, metal or iron pipe. Use with plastic, elastic hose and tubing. Working weight will meet with plastic tubing. Incredible vibration qualities. Practical, Low Cost, Range is wide, Easy to collect, long or short nuts are given according to request. Features: Confirming international standards. Economic price. High quality & multipurpose application. Application: Pipe fittings. Steam Boiler. Oil & Gas Equipment.



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