Tunnel fireproofing service in india

A fire in a tunnel can have catastrophic consequences like the loss of human lives and structural damage or even the collapse of the tunnel. Studies show that the fires generated in tunnels can be of temperatures as high as 1300?C. High-strength concrete used in tunnel linings is vulnerable at high temperatures due to either explosive spalling or over-heating of steel reinforcement bars within the lining. In such cases, the tunnel can collapse or at least have extensive damage, requiring lengthy repairs. Spalling can take place at temperatures as low as 200?C. Cable trays, structural steel, or fuel drainage systems also need to be protected against fires. All these elements of the tunnel structure also need an insulating fire-resistant layer to provide thermal protection against temperatures above 1300?C. The application of fire barrier products is sprayed in full thickness in one layer which has a quick drying time, has a high bond strength, and is stable in tunnel operating environments.



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