Persis industrial automation & control group

/// We Offer Following Services REMOTELY (ONLINE)/// Designing control systems for different processes. It consists of designing a control strategy for the intended process, then selecting control system parts (e.g. sensors, controllers, actuators) and finally designing control and power panels. In case the selected controller is a PLC or DCS which needs programming, it would be done. Electrical components are used in designed systems, are up-to-date and could be found in every market. Programming PLC, DCS and HMI (all series of SIEMENS and DELTA companies products). All programs are fully commented on and clear for any further modifications. Choose proper VFD (Variable Frequency Drive) for AC motors to control the rotation speed of it and control the outcome action of motor * Drawing Electrical panels wiring diagrams (power and control panels) by EPLAN software * Drawing DCS and PLC panels wiring diagrams by EPLAN software * Redraw old, properly scanned wiring diagrams by EPLAN software (its final output is an editable file of the old wiring diagram) # EPLAN - The best software to draw power, control and PLC panels wiring diagrams at the moment. For more info and free consulting, please consider sending us email to : [email protected]



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