Cute little teacup pomeranian puppy

Hello my name is Dollar, I am 11weeks old and a fully registered male Pomeranian puppy. I love to play chase games and tug games. I am a very adventurous puppy and like exploring new places, I love my food and treats lots and lots of them, but when its sleepy time all I want to do is cuddle up under your chin and drift off to sleep. I am accustomed to all the usual household noises such as the washing machine and hoover, I get along really well with other dogs and the family cats. I can be seen with my Mum Poppy, who is a little red pom and my Dad Cookie who is a little cream show pom. Dollar is microchipped and has had his vets health checks and is up to date with his worming .for more information just get in touch and I would be happy any questions that you have.please contact me directly here for more effective communication contact 424-419-5732



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