Bar Machine D Gearless Traction Machine-GETM2.5D

GETM2.5Ds GETM2-5D.htmlThis series of traction machine adopts high-performance heat-resisting NdFeB magnet key parts are sourced from world famous and external rotor construction is adopted CE approved all of which makes the performance exceeds the requirements in relevant industrial standards. This series of machine is of flat or bar shape which makes the machine compact in structure and small in size Strengthened with Housing. The remarkable quality and outstanding performance makes this series an ideal choice for MRL and MMR elevator.Brand ForvordaModel GETM2.5DXIZI FORVORDA is an external rotor gearless traction machine exporter and MMR elevator traction machine wholesaler offering MMR elevator external rotor traction machine.Product type Rating Load(kg) Rated peed(m s) Rated speed(r min) Rated torque(N.m) GETM2.5D-100 0630 2 1 630 1 119 320GETM2.5D-150 0630 2 1 630 1.5 179 320GETM2.5D-175 0630 2 1 630 1.75 209 320



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