Wooden watches for men and wooden watches for women south africa

We have the perfect combination of Wooden Watches & Wooden Sunglasses for Men and Women (including tungsten rings for men) that are tailored to meet your needs through our standard shopping practices. At woodish store, we provide you with an excellent shopping experience as our client s satisfaction matters a lot. At Woodish, we believe quality and craftsmanship matter, but with sustainability in mind. All our wooden watches and sunglasses are made of reclaimed and recycled lumber, maple, bamboo, and sandalwood. Allowing us to retain the beauty of these woods, our crafters preserve the natural patterns that have been engrained into each piece; therefore, no two designs are alike. Woodish embodies the stories of each of our customers. We know just like wood; people have their own narrative to tell. Moments are more influential than seconds and minutes on your watch, so your watch should tell more than just time. Woodish cares about your stories and empowers people to bring each of those stories on all adventures with the option to engrave your wooden watches. Truly making each watch completely unique, down to the feelings and emotions. LUXURY SPORT WOODEN WATCH The watch is high quality, and it is incredibly stylish. It will go with whatever you re wearing. Incredibly Stylish Two-Tone Handcrafted Wooden Band which is smooth and comfortable. It s also very lightweight that you can?t even feel it on your wrist. You can also use the link removal kit to resize the band to fit your wrist. Wooden Watches & Wooden Sunglasses for Men and Women Wooden Watches for Men and Women / Wooden Sunglasses for Men and Women WoodishSA Johanna Drive, Boulders Estate 6 Brahms Street, Sonheuwel, Nelspruit-1201 Mpumalanga Phone: 0799596616 [email protected] https://www.woodish.co.za



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