Pressure Washing service done right

Aquamen Pressure Washing LLCFayetteville NCFamily owned and operated.Here at Aquamen Pressure Washing LLC we strive to be the best in all we do making sure all of our customers are satisfied every time. We use only Eco friendly solutions to clean the dirt and grime from your property. We work with our customers to ensure the best possible service and we offer a referral program to all existing and new customers.Our services range from 100- 600 depending on the size of the job as well as what the job entails. No jobs are too small or too big. We offer free estimates and 10% off for new customers. The referral program offers a 1 time 15% off full cleaning for referring a new customer who has a minimum service done at 250 or more.Services we do...House & Siding 170- 360 Roof Cleaning 250- 600Gutter Cleaning 55- 160Wood cleaning 0.30SqFtDecks & Patio s 200- 240Driveways 100- 260Fences 180- 300Walkways 100- 260Sidewalks. 100- 300Graffiti Removal 1- 3SqFt (minimum 50SqFt)Window cleaning 150- 500We clean...Vinyl StuccoBrickBlockStoneAluminumWood ConcreteServices are available 7 days a week 8am-8pm with free estimates. Call us today to schedule your free estimate at252-479-5767 please leave detailed message and we ll get back to you within 24hrs guaranteed.We look forward to working with you



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